Why Give to the Wyant College of Optical Sciences?
Although the University of Arizona is state-supported, private gifts are critical to the continued success of the Wyant College of Optical Sciences. The University receives funds from three sources: student tuition, state appropriations and private support. While tuition and state monies provide a portion of the University's operating budget, they do not cover the average cost of educating a full-time student. These funds also do not cover expansions to classrooms, upgrades to teaching labs, additions to faculty office spaces and research labs and other necessary improvements.
There Are Many Ways to Support
Outright and Annual Gifts
Thoughtful planning of your philanthropy to the Wyant College of Optical Sciences can help you achieve your objectives while supporting current and future generations of optical scientists and engineers.
Planned Gifts
Including the college in your estate plans, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder annuity trusts, pooled income funds, life estate agreements, charitable lead trusts and revocable living trust agreements are also very important means to support the Wyant College of Optical Sciences.
Your contribution can cause indelible impacts. A scholarship endowment is a permanent fund that represents a legacy of your support and belief in the college. Depending on your interests, the income earned from your endowment can deliver much-needed aid to graduate and undergraduate students with scholarship support or enable the college to push forward in areas of strategic importance and program development, helping to maintain the college’s reputation as the most notable optical sciences college in the U.S. and worldwide.
Dean’s Fund for Excellence
The Dean's Fund for Excellence provides the college with greater opportunity to advance the learning experiences of students. Your gift to this unrestricted fund directly aids academic programing, student scholarships, graduate student teaching and research assistant fellowships, teaching lab upgrades and much more.
You Make the Difference

Principals of Opticks
The Principals of Opticks society recognizes those who have sponsored or contributed to an endowment at the Wyant College of Optical Sciences at a level of $75,000 or more.
Development Staff

Executive Director of Development (retired)
Kaye Rowan
Interim Contact Information
Kaye Rowan has retired from the University of Arizona as of July 9, 2024. Please send inquiries related to Giving to the following addresses. If you would like to donate to the college please find how to Make a Gift, here.
Giving Inquiries: giving@optics.arizona.edu
To discuss a gift, please contact Tom Koch, Dean, at tlkoch@optics.arizona.edu