Welcome, Associate Prof. Florian Willomitzer

Wyant College is pleased to welcome Associate Professor Florian Willomitzer to UArizona. Florian joins us from Northwestern University where he was a Research Assistant Professor. In 2017, Florian completed his PhD in Germany at the Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics located at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg and, subsequently, moved to Northwestern University where he later launched the Computational 3D Imaging and Measurement (3DIM) Lab.
Florian is now in the process of migrating his Lab to Wyant College. His research lab is working to build the next generation of 2D/3D computational imaging and display devices that overcome traditional limitations, e.g., in resolution, speed, or dynamic range. Current applications of these techniques and instruments can be found in medicine, VR/AR/MR, robotics, industrial inspection, remote sensing, automotive sensing, metrology, or cultural heritage preservation. For example, some techniques already released by Florian's lab include the ability to image hidden objects through scattering media or around corners, high-resolution holographic displays, unconventional methods for precise VR eye tracking, and the implementation of metrology methods in low-cost mobile handheld devices. Moreover, the group develops novel time-of-flight and structured light imaging techniques working at depth resolutions in the 100μm-range.
On July 16th, Florian participated as a speaker at the TEDxNuremberg event (recording to be released late this fall). During the talk, Florian shared more about his latest research insights on holographic cameras, which can see around corners and through scattering media, and “make the unseen visible.”
Additionally, Florian is General Chair of the OSA COSI conference, Optics Chair of the IEEE ICCP conference, Committee member of the OSA FiO conference, and served/serves as a reviewer for IEEE, OSA, SPIE, CVPR, and the Nature Portfolio. He is a recipient of the NSF CRII grant and his Ph.D. thesis was awarded with the Springer Theses Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Research.
Welcome to Wyant College, Florian! Swing by Florian's office, Meinel 629, to welcome him or you can reach him by emailing fwillomitzer@optics.arizona.edu or calling 520-621-2825.