Another Wavelength: Alia Nichols | Optics and Student Government

In this issue of Another Wavelength, we chat with BS Student and ASUA representative for optical sciences, Alia Nichols. Alia is currently a senior pursuing her BS in optical sciences and engineering. Meanwhile, she is representing the optical sciences students in the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA).

Alia hiking in Nha Trang while visiting her dad.
Where are you from?
I was born in the UAE and moved to the US when I was 14 where I went to high school in Chandler, Arizona.
What brought you to study optics?
I decided to study optics because of the exciting and broad applications of the subject. I felt that I could learn about the world through a new and fascinating lens. I had never been exposed to optics before university, so I felt especially drawn to learn as much as I could about how the world of optics works. I also felt inspired by the professors, students, and professionals who exuded excitement when they talked about optics.
Who is your hero in science?
My hero in science is Rosalind Franklin.
Describe your role with ASUA in 20 words or fewer.
Within ASUA I am a representative of the OSE college in a space where we discuss the experience of all students.
Describe your role with ASUA in 200 words or fewer.
To my knowledge, I am the first college of optical sciences and engineering ASUA representative, which is both exciting and daunting. My goal is to increase interest from our college and continue to have representation with ASUA. I believe student voices are integral to the foundation of a university, and discussing the experience of all students across the university requires the involvement of as many students pursuing diverse disciplines as possible. It is also important to stay informed on the happenings around campus, not only within my own college.
I am hoping to increase access and opportunities to build interpersonal relationships between undergraduate classes. When I was an underclassman, I recall the support and reassurance I felt from mentors, TAs, and upperclassmen as I pursued my BS. There is a unique understanding and empathy that is provided by someone who has also experienced the classes, struggles, and triumphs we experience as students in the OSE program. I believe strengthening the undergraduate connections will benefit our confidence and performance as students while reinforcing the tight-knit community of the college.

Alia conducting hyperspectral imaging research in Germany, summer 2024.
Describe your Senior Design Project in 200 words or fewer.
I am especially excited about my senior design project! I am working with Dr. Slepian and 6 engineering students to produce a point of care device that can identify and quantify microplastics present in any given water sample, detect the presence of inorganics and heavy metals, and present the data, safety level, and relevance of the results in an accessible mobile app. In terms of optics, I am working with Brendan Bamberg on the auto fluorescence microscopy aspect of the microplastics assembly.
Name three neat facts about you.
- I have run 2 half marathons since coming to college.
- I have visited around 20 countries
- My dad and my brother live in Vietnam
Connect with Alia, and Share your Feedback for ASUA
If you would like to take part in improving the student experience for all optical sciences students you can connect with Alia and discuss your ideas in more detail! Then, she can share your ideas with ASUA and work on making real change for campus and optics students! Email Alia and start a conversation.