Nasser Peyghambarian
Professor Emeritus of Optical Sciences

Meinel 537
Wyant College of Optical Sciences
The University of Arizona
1630 E. University Blvd.
P.O. Box 210094
Tucson, AZ 85721-0094
Additional Affiliations
- Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
- Director of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center for Integrated Access Networks
- Professor: The University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center/College of Optical Sciences, 1991-present
- Professor: The University of Arizona, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 1993-present
- Director: National Science Foundation, Engineering Research Center for Integrated Access Networks, 2008-present
- Chief Executive Officer: NP Photonics Inc., 1998-2002
- Adjunct Professor: University of California, San Diego, 2007-present
- Associate Director: National Science Foundation, Science and Technology Center for Materials and Devices for Information Technology Research, 2006-present
- Chairman of the Board: NP Photonics Inc., 2002-2012
- Founder: NP Photonics Inc., 1998
- Founder: TIPD, LLC., 2006
- Director: Photonics Initiative (Arizona Proposition 301), 2001-present
- Co-Director: The University of Arizona, Center for Advanced Multifunctional Nonlinear Optical Polymers and Molecular Assemblies, 1995-2001
- Director: The University of Arizona, Center for Optoelectronic Devices, Interconnects and Packaging, 1995-2004
- Chair of Photonics and Lasers: The University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center/College of Optical Sciences, 1994-present
- Director: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Optoelectronic Materials Center, Arizona Group, 1993-1996
- Visiting Professor: NNT (Japan), 1990
- Director: The University of Arizona, Optical Circuitry Cooperative, 1991-1995
- Associate Professor: The University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center, 1988-1991
- Assistant Professor: The University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center, 1985-1988
- Assistant Research Professor: The University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center, 1983-1985
- Postdoctoral Fellow: The University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center, 1982-1983
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Indiana University, 1981-1983
- Research Assistant: Indiana University, 1977-1981
Professional Affiliations and Activities
- American Physical Society: Fellow
- The Optical Society (OSA): Fellow
- SPIE: Fellow
- American Association for the Advancement of Science: Fellow
- IEEE: Member
- Member of the international editorial board of the Display and Imaging Materials and Systems (DMS) journal 2012
- Member of the program committee for the Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging (DH) meeting, April 29 - May 2, 2012 in Miami, Florida.
- Program Chair of FILAS, Fiber Laser and Applications, February 1-3, 2012.
- Chair of the OSA Incubator Meeting on 3D Display, 2011-12.
- Member of the American Institute of Physics Ad Hoc Committee to review Applied Physics Letters and Journal of Applied Physics 2009-2010.
- Applied Optics Division Editor for Lasers and Photonics for the Optical Society of America, 2008-2010.
Awards and Honors
- The University of Arizona: Technology Innovation Award, 2007
- Francqui Foundation (Belgium): International Francqui Chair, 1998-1999
- Beam Co.: Golden Alligator Award, 2005
- TRW: Young Faculty Award, 1989-1990
- 3M Co.: Young Faculty Award, 1987-1989
- Indiana University: Physics Department, Outstanding Graduate Student in Research, 1981
Specific Research Interests
- Optical networks and optical communication.
- Fiber optics, fiber lasers and amplifiers.
- Organic photonics.
- 3-D holographic display and 3-D telepresence.
- Nonlinear photonics.
- Optical modulators and switches.
- Laser spectroscopy.
- Nanostructures and quantum dots.
- Ph.D., Indiana University, 1982
- M.S., Indiana University, 1979
- B.S., Pahlavi University (Iran), 1976